Future of work

How to Innovate During an Economic Downturn Using Outsourced Software Development

Discover how outsourced software development teams can be a strategic approach for encouraging innovation and driving growth for your business, especially during challenging economic downturns. We'll provide expert insights and tips on how to leverage external talent to innovate effectively.
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Maximizing Your Software Development ROI: A Guide to Speed and Quality

Implementing viable software application solutions that meet the needs of their target audience and give companies an edge over their competition is more than just resource and labor-intensive. Still, it requires a delicate balance between development speed and software quality. With so much at stake, it’s essential to apply cost-saving strategies to ensure a good return on investment.
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3 Different Types of Outsourced Software Development

There are a lot of concerns and worries about outsourced software development, but most of them, if not all, are based on emotional fears. Here in this article, we will tackle the common deep-set notions and misconceptions companies have when it comes to outsourcing software development, and dispel them with real explanations of how it works and how it can be used to a companies’ advantage.
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6 Misconceptions About Outsourced Software Development

There are a lot of concerns and worries about outsourced software development, but most of them, if not all, are based on emotional fears. Here in this article, we will tackle the common deep-set notions and misconceptions companies have when it comes to outsourcing software development, and dispel them with real explanations of how it works and how it can be used to a companies’ advantage.
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Demand for Rapid Application Development in the Future of Work

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is the agile approach helping businesses create new products and functions to remain competitive. This article discusses the growing demand for RAD, its benefits in the future of work, and how companies can achieve it through outsourcing.
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5 Trends in Outsourced Software Development for 2023

Outsourcing software development services and managed developer networks have become the way to stir up productivity by offering companies access to development talent in rapidly evolving technologies without increasing their in-house teams.
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Mastering the Art of Productivity and Sanity in the Future of Work

Unless there’s a strategic plan, remote workers can quickly become less productive or deal with burnout as they juggle between multitasking, handling distractions, and making space for work. This article discusses effective practices you can embrace to avoid feeling under-accomplished or overwhelmed and remain balanced, productive, and sane.
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Employee Turnover Isn’t a Bad Thing in the Future of Work

This article explores a changing employee turnover paradigm and why employee churning could be the right trajectory in the future of work.
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Why Existing Management Principles Fail In the Future of Work

We are highlighting the potential dangers of workers and society relying so heavily on technology and sacrificing interpersonal and problem solving skills as unintended consequences which need to be managed.
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Why Team and Employee Health in Distributed Workforces Can’t Be Ignored

Employee value propositions must shift from “work for me” to “work with me”, while customer-first approach should be changed to people-first approach.
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What is QA Automation: Benefits and Challenges

This article discusses the importance of delivering uncompromised quality through complete quality assurance automation so your organization can gain a competitive advantage from reliable and efficient technology.
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Three Steps To Enhance Software Development Risk Management

We have previously written about steps organizations can take to prevent their initiatives from falling into the failure trap. The best practices that emerged from our 2019 study with Constellation Research continue to be vital. With an eye on continual improvement, here are three additional steps you can take to reduce risk.
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