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How Contingent Workforces Improve Software Outsourcing

Leveraging contingent workforces in software outsourcing allows companies to efficiently tap into specialized global talent, enhance flexibility and productivity, and reduce costs by engaging experts only when needed.
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The Future of Work: Utopia vs. Dystopia

Data-driven decision-making, automation, and performance tracking could either result in a utopian or dystopian reality. Does the future of work mean an improved work-life balance, or workers being treated as expendable resources?
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Talk of “The Big Stay” Misses the Point of the Future of Work

While the narrative around "The Big Stay" suggests a shift in power back to employers, this perspective fails to recognize the lasting importance of flexible, meaningful work.
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Who Cares If an Employee is Working Two Jobs?

Organizations should embrace the flexibility of remote work and consider utilizing fractional workforces to better fit their needs.
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The Science Behind Why Outsourced Development Teams Succeed

Outsourced development teams drive innovation by providing fresh perspectives, mitigating cognitive biases, and overcoming in-house analysis paralysis.
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Why Quarterly Performance Reviews Have Become Irrelevant

As organizations become more distributed and data-driven, traditional quarterly performance reviews are becoming obsolete in favor of real-time, quantitative performance metrics that provide more immediate and objective feedback.
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How to Detect (and Avoid Creating) Bad Generative AI

To avoid creating bad generative AI, understand its limitations, use high-quality data, implement guardrails, and validate with real-world testing to prevent issues like bias, hallucinations, and brittleness.
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Why Software Companies Need Product Ideation to Ensure Business Success

Software companies need product ideation to effectively gather, prioritize, and implement ideas, ensuring that their products address critical problems and align with user needs.
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What is Custom Software Development and Why is it Important?

Custom software development is the process of creating software tailored to meet the specific needs of a business and providing a competitive advantage through more control and functionality.
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Taking Generative AI from Proof of Concept to Production

Learn how to write an effective business case for custom software development. This guide explains how to secure project approval, articulate goals and opportunities, and make informed decisions through a comprehensive assessment.
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Tips for Writing a Business Case for Custom Software Development

Learn how to write an effective business case for custom software development. This guide explains how to secure project approval, articulate goals and opportunities, and make informed decisions through a comprehensive assessment.
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Restorative Record Serves Justice-impacted Job Candidates

Cornell University's Criminal Justice and Employment Initiative (CJEI) partnered with Gigster to create "Restorative Record," a digital tool aiding justice-impacted job candidates by offsetting discriminatory hiring practices.
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