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Employee Turnover Isn’t a Bad Thing in the Future of Work

This article explores a changing employee turnover paradigm and why employee churning could be the right trajectory in the future of work.
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Why Existing Management Principles Fail In the Future of Work

We are highlighting the potential dangers of workers and society relying so heavily on technology and sacrificing interpersonal and problem solving skills as unintended consequences which need to be managed.
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Why Education in the Blockchain Space is Essential

Cory Hymel, Gigster’s VP of Product, recently spoke to Audrey Whitlock of ReTtrain Canada on the evolution of education regarding the technology underlying cryptocurrencies and various other industries. The following are some highlights of some insights as shared by Audrey.
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Understand Your AI Maturity Level

Our article examines the data science hierarchy of needs and how it is relevant to the successful execution of your company’s AI vision and strategy.
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Tracking Your Supply Chain with Permissioned Blockchains

In this article, we discuss the potential of blockchain technology in supply chain management and how industry players can use permissioned blockchains in logistics to improve supply chain trackability and reshape existing industry processes.
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How to Build a Remote Team

However, hard technical skills only sometimes make the best employees. The key to success lies in understanding the human abilities that remote workers need for engagement and accountability with coworkers, partners, suppliers, and customers.
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How to Avoid the Problems Companies Face with Quality Assurance and QA Automation

This article examines a slew of operational nightmares companies face in test automation implementation that could lead to disappointment and offers tips on overcoming said obstacles to improve your overall test effort and project success.
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Why Workflows Are Essential for the Success of Distributed Teams

How can a leader or manager ensure that the teams, wherever they are in the world, are in sync and working as one towards a specific business goal? Here are the many benefits to having a workflow for distributed teams.
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How Enterprises Are Using Distributed Ledger Technology

Most people still confuse blockchain with distributed ledgers because they are related, though the two are disparate. Let’s dive into this article to discover the difference and how enterprises are using DLT to transform their internal enterprise business functions.
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Building Private Blockchains: 4 Key Technologies

As businesses strive to attain the next level of transformation and extend collaboration and optimization that transcends the organization, there’s a technology that can drive operational agility, automate workflows and introduce new revenue streams.
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Why Team and Employee Health in Distributed Workforces Can’t Be Ignored

Employee value propositions must shift from “work for me” to “work with me”, while customer-first approach should be changed to people-first approach.
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What is QA Automation: Benefits and Challenges

This article discusses the importance of delivering uncompromised quality through complete quality assurance automation so your organization can gain a competitive advantage from reliable and efficient technology.
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