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How Algorithmic Ranking Can Build or Destroy Trust

Algorithmic ranking systems can help manage gig workers, but poorly implemented systems can do more harm than good. How do these algorithmic ranking systems impact freelancers, and how can they either build trust or destroy it?
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Why Hire Slow Fire Fast Doesn’t Apply in the Future of Work

While employing “hire slow, fire fast” can save your business from catastrophic hires your company would regret, the model is no longer the most intelligent way to build a development team. Today, hiring slow just means your company will be too slow to capitalize on emerging opportunities. Then, when the need for an AI or blockchain development team has passed, your organization is forced to undergo massive layoffs.
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Why AI-Powered Distributed Teams Will Have an Advantage in 2023

Combining AI with distributed, global teams promises to revolutionize how we work, collaborate, and approach software development in the enterprise in ways that were previously unimaginable. This article explores the power of AI-powered distributed tools and teams and why it’s the way to go in 2023 and beyond.
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Future of Work: The Top 5 Trends to Track

are organizations aware of or even prepared for the top five workplace trends that have the potential to impact the future of work? Gigster’s Cory Hymel recently did an interview with Authority Magazine and pointed out directions to alert companies and assist them in preparing to build more progressive workplaces.
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How to Intelligently Approach Emerging Tech Opportunities

But with the rush of exciting futuristic technologies – how do we keep sane? How can companies rise above the hype and know how these technologies can really solve problems particular to them? Here we will discuss how companies can take an intelligent approach to evaluating and adopting emerging technologies.
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Machine Learning Process: A Complete Guide

This ML process will ensure you have a strong foundation for your machine learning process and model. We’ll walk through how machine learning works and describe a common scenario for ML project implementation.
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Fixed vs. Elastic Staffing: How to Improve Development Costs and Speed with Dynamic Teams

As labor expenses have continued to rise, hiring teams debate the viability of retaining and maintaining a traditional in-house workforce vs. introducing an elastic staffing model. If you’re looking to ramp up your development efforts during these uncertain times, check out the pros and cons of fixed vs. elastic staffing.
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4 Ways Managing an Asynchronous Team for Software Development

Shifting to asynchronous work arrangements in software development allows global talent access, continuous workflow across time zones, and enhanced productivity. We'll explore benefits, including flexible work schedules, global talent acquisition, and improved productivity.
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Tech Team Downsizing: 3 Strategies to Manage Technical Debt

The past six months have seen massive downsizing in the tech world thanks to companies overexpanding and now reacting to the impending economic downturn. While downsizing solves the short term problem, it doesn’t get rid of the need to manage your company’s software and minimize technical debt.
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Hiring Freelance Software Developer vs. Software Development Agency

In today's fast and technology-driven business landscape, it is critical for companies to outsource their software development. Outsourcing helps businesses be efficient and agile in building their software applications.
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How AI Can Help Your Business

This article discusses the importance of delivering uncompromised quality through complete quality assurance automation so your organization can gain a competitive advantage from reliable and efficient technology.
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How to Innovate During an Economic Downturn Using Outsourced Software Development

Discover how outsourced software development teams can be a strategic approach for encouraging innovation and driving growth for your business, especially during challenging economic downturns. We'll provide expert insights and tips on how to leverage external talent to innovate effectively.
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