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An Overview of Personalization Technologies Across the Internet

Personalization is at the core of many modern internet services and has been a topic of heated...
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Proven Techniques for Reducing Risk in Tech Innovation

Creating a strategy for technology innovation involves getting a handle on the unknown and the ...
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Should your next Product Manager be freelance?

Before we dive into that question, it’s important to have a clear answer to these two questions: What...
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Gigster Drives Transformation at a Global Top 10 Digital Agency

Dentsu is the 5th largest advertising agency and the 9th largest digital agency in the world. In July 2019...
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Thriving with Remote Software Teams: Dos and Don'ts

Most people knew that remote work would become our new reality one day. But nobody knew that day...
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4 Simple Steps Toward AI Mastery

There’s a joke about the business that loses pennies on the dollar but plans to make it up on volume...
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5 Tips on How to Build Trust on Remote Teams

As I write this, COVID-19 news dominates the headlines. The virus continues to spread, with more than...
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AI in Focus: Financial Services

Global investment in artificial intelligence across the banking industry is predicted to reach $3.3B in...
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The Future of Work: What it Means for Your Business

Beyond delivering hilarious commercials, GE has been hard at work on ‘digital transformation’ over the...
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Artificial Intelligence in Food and Beverage Industry

As consumer tastes evolve, it’s no longer good enough for food to simply be tasty — consumers are regularly seeking out products ...
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The Gigster Way: What makes a Gigster team great?

For almost a decade, Gigster has built products by using our *fully distributed* global network of expert ...
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Dream Big, Go Big (part 2)

Yesterday, I shared highlights from a fantastic panel discussion entitled “Dream Big, Go Big,” recently...
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