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Maximizing Your Software Development ROI: A Guide to Speed and Quality

Implementing viable software application solutions that meet the needs of their target audience and give companies an edge over their competition is more than just resource and labor-intensive. Still, it requires a delicate balance between development speed and software quality. With so much at stake, it’s essential to apply cost-saving strategies to ensure a good return on investment.
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3 Different Types of Outsourced Software Development

There are a lot of concerns and worries about outsourced software development, but most of them, if not all, are based on emotional fears. Here in this article, we will tackle the common deep-set notions and misconceptions companies have when it comes to outsourcing software development, and dispel them with real explanations of how it works and how it can be used to a companies’ advantage.
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6 Misconceptions About Outsourced Software Development

There are a lot of concerns and worries about outsourced software development, but most of them, if not all, are based on emotional fears. Here in this article, we will tackle the common deep-set notions and misconceptions companies have when it comes to outsourcing software development, and dispel them with real explanations of how it works and how it can be used to a companies’ advantage.
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Demand for Rapid Application Development in the Future of Work

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is the agile approach helping businesses create new products and functions to remain competitive. This article discusses the growing demand for RAD, its benefits in the future of work, and how companies can achieve it through outsourcing.
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5 Trends in Outsourced Software Development for 2023

Outsourcing software development services and managed developer networks have become the way to stir up productivity by offering companies access to development talent in rapidly evolving technologies without increasing their in-house teams.
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What Will the Future of the AI and Machine Learning Industry Look Like as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Consolidate Power?

Let us seek to answer these questions and find out the potential benefits and pitfalls of the development of AI and Machine Learning as the largest cloud companies consolidate power.
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Blockchain Is Progressing in the World of Academia

Gigster’s VP of Product, Cory Hymel, sat down with Mat Patenaude, Community Liaison for the Government of Alberta in Canada, to discuss the role of Web3 education in government. Their discussion had some very interesting takeaways for anyone in the Web3 or education space.
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The Biggest Gaps in Web3 Education

In the latest episode in our series of video interviews on Web3 education, Cory Hymel, the VP of Product at Gigster, talked to Desmond Efe-khaese, Brand and Media Manager at Coinscreed, to identify the most significant gaps in Web3 education. Here are some of the biggest problems in the Web3 education space which they identified.
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Unlocking New Potential with AI-Powered Cloud Computing

AI-powered cloud computing can drive digital transformation in business, provide strategic and insight-driven enterprise capabilities, and offer extra flexibility, agility, and cost savings. This article outlines how organizations can unlock new potential using AI-powered cloud computing to amplify their business outcomes.
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Why Is Web3 Education in Government Critical to Mass Adoption?

Gigster’s VP of Product, Cory Hymel, sat down with Mat Patenaude, Community Liaison for the Government of Alberta in Canada, to discuss the role of Web3 education in government. Their discussion had some very interesting takeaways for anyone in the Web3 or education space.
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Building a Cloud Stack: Navigating Complexity in the Marketplace

ChatGPT is taking the world by storm. Launched in November 2022, the text-generating and query-answering system, whose usage is still free, became an overnight sensation and the tech world’s biggest muse after the metaverse.
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Mastering the Art of Productivity and Sanity in the Future of Work

Unless there’s a strategic plan, remote workers can quickly become less productive or deal with burnout as they juggle between multitasking, handling distractions, and making space for work. This article discusses effective practices you can embrace to avoid feeling under-accomplished or overwhelmed and remain balanced, productive, and sane.
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